Electromagnetism is a fundamental force, combining analysis of electric and magnetic phenomena. Our study in electrical engineering, electromagnetics, takes a fairly applied approach. Electromagnetism forms the theoretical and rigorous foundations for many constructs in electrical engineering, including photonics, circuit analysis, and electronics.

We can further divide the field into electrostatics, magnetostatics and electrodynamics. The idea is that:

  • Stationary charges produce time-invariant electric fields, i.e., electrostatics.
  • Steady currents (constant magnitude of ) produce time-invariant magnetic fields, i.e., magnetostatics.

An x represents something coming out of the page, while a . represents something going into the page.

Key concepts






The electrostatic constant :

The quantised elementary charge of an electron :

The permittivity constant :

The permeability of free space :


  • Introduction to Electrodynamics, by David J. Griffiths
  • Classical Electrodynamics, by John David Jackson
  • Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics, by Umberto Ravaioli and Fawwaz Ulaby