Kirchhoff’s laws give us relations that we base nodal and loop analysis around. They’re the closest thing to a universal law that we could have in electrical engineering.

The current law (KCL) tells us that the algebraic sum of the currents entering any node is zero.

The voltage law (KVL) tells us that the algebraic sum of the voltages around any loop is zero.

Both rules hold in the time, phasor, and frequency domains.


For a source-free magnetic field , we can express Gauss’ law as:

Applying the divergence theorem, we see that:

As in, the sum of the current fluxes entering or exiting a closed surface is zero, i.e., Kirchhoff’s current law for DC circuits.

For Faraday’s law with time-invariant electric fields (irrotational), we can express:

Using Stokes’ theorem:

The circulation is zero, so the sum of potentials () around a closed loop (i.e., a closed circuit) is 0; this is the statement for Kirchhoff’s voltage law in DC. The property that the closed contour is equal to 0 is true for fields in electrostatic conditions.