Phasors are short-hand polar-form complex numbers used in AC circuit analysis. Recall from our understanding of first- and second-order transient circuits that ODEs are fully featured but difficult to impossible to evaluate for combinations of many inductors and capacitors.

Related ideas to know:

Phasor analysis only works with sinusoidal steady-state signals, not general signals. This motivates our exploration of the Laplace transform.

Solving circuits

For a capacitor, the phasor element equations are:

For an inductor, the element equations are:

Kirchhoff’s laws, dividers, superposition still hold in the phasor domain (maybe with extra constraints). Reference directions still (technically) hold in the phasor domain.


From the page on sinusoids, we have:

where is the amplitude, is the angular frequency, and is the phase change. From Euler’s formula, we can rewrite as the real part of a complex number:

Then we define the phasor associated with the above sinusoid as:

Useful representations

Digitally, we express phasors with a bold. On paper, we write a bar above or below it (haven’t found a consistent explanation). Recall that since lags by 90 degrees:

In standard form, the phase should be , so we can shift accordingly to meet those restrictions:

Importantly, some elements may have different phase shifts. If , then they are in phase. If , then lags by . And so on. A phasor may also lead another phasor.


Phasors are additive, so the sum of sinusoids is the sum of the phasors:

Another key property is that multiplying a phasor by is equivalent to differentiating the corresponding sinusoid. If , then: