Matrices are foundational to linear algebra. Their sizes are expressed as , row by column. They take inputs from their domain and output into their codomain .

Basic terminology

  • We describe matrices with the same number of rows and columns as square matrices.
  • Diagonal matrices only have elements along their diagonals; they’re always square.
  • Upper and lower triangular matrices only have elements in their top-right or bottom-left halves; these include the diagonals.

The alphabet

A brief list based on what I’ve seen so far:1

  • : any matrix
  • : basis matrix
  • : diagonal matrix
  • : identity matrix, an matrix with only ones along its diagonal and zeroes otherwise2
  • : lower triangular matrix
  • : orthogonal matrix
  • : upper triangular matrix
  • : linear transformation
  • : singular value matrix

We also define as the transpose of , i.e., where the rows and columns are swapped.


  • is a linear transformation if and only if:


MATLAB often has some useful tools available for matrix manipulation. To represent some matrix, we can use spaces to separate entries in the same row, and semi-colons to separate rows.

[a b c; d e f; g h i]


  1. Adapted from the Introduction to Linear Algebra book by Gilbert Strang.

  2. In MATLAB, can be generated with A = eye(n).