Sets are an abstract data type (ADT) that are unordered and contain only unique elements (i.e., no duplicate elements), as an approximation of sets in mathematics. Unlike other collection types, we test for value membership in a set, instead of retrieving a specific element in a set.


In many languages, they’re a built-in data type. Sets can be implemented in a few different data structures, usually as red-black trees. This preserves the ability to traverse the set in order of insertion. This results in an average operation time of .

It’s also possible to implement a hashing function as the access mechanism, for hash sets (or unordered sets). We use this when the insertion order doesn’t matter (most of the time), since it drops the time complexity down to .

Multisets are structures that allow for multiple same elements, i.e., they are sets that can contain duplicate elements.



In C++, sets are provided as part of the STL as std::set<T>. They’re implemented as a red-black tree, with average operation time of . The std::unordered_set uses hashing with average operation complexity of .

Some useful methods to know:

  • insert() adds a given key to the set.
  • erase() removes the specified iterator or key from the set.
  • contains() (as of C++20) is a Boolean function that checks if the key exists in the set.

C++ also includes std::multiset<T> and std::unordered_multiset<T>. The notable addition is the count(key) method, which counts occurrences of a given key.

See also

  • Union find, which extend the functionality of sets by containing multiple disjoint subsets of elements