Disjoint sets are a data structure that extends the functionality of sets by maintaining multiple disjoint subsets of elements, i.e., a disjoint set with two subsets have:

These find considerable use in graph problems, especially in applying the basic union and find operations (union-find algorithm).


Union-find maintains a few structures:

  • The array link[] contains for each element, the next element in the chain. At the beginning, the link[i] contains i.
  • The array size[] contains the size of each subset, given the i-th element.

There are also two main functions:

  • The find() algorithm returns the representative for an element x, which can be found by following the chain that begins at x.
  • The unite() function joins the initially disjoint sets that contains elements and . It finds the representatives of the subsets, then connects the smaller set to the larger set.