Functions form the base of much of mathematics. Functions with several independent variables and one dependent variable are multivariable. Functions with independent variables exist in .

Given two sets , a function is a map that takes an input in the domain and is associated with a single element in the codomain .

Categories and types

Our common types are real-valued, vector-valued, and complex-valued functions.

In addition, many functions take the form of the below:

Important foundations

The set of possible function inputs is referred to as the domain of . The set of possible outputs are referred to as the range (or codomain).

Functions (whether single-variable or multi-) must pass the vertical line test. No combination of inputs can result in more than one output.

Functions can be written explicitly (though not always):

Or in a more explicit form:

We also commonly call functions scalar fields, since it returns a scalar value for every input position. The vector analogue of this is a vector field.

Computer solutions

We can use the Symbolic Math Toolbox in MATLAB to solve for functions at a particular value. This also works with complex solutions. For instance:

solve(t^2 + 6670 * t + 100000000 == 0, t)

See also