Row reduction (also called Gaussian elimination) is the easiest way to solve systems of linear equations by hand. We can use three elementary operations to manually compute the rank of a matrix and the inverse of an invertible matrix.

Elementary operations

Our three fundamental elementary row operations are to:

  • Interchange two rows.
  • Multiply one row by a non-zero number.
  • Replace a row by: itself plus or minus a multiple of a different row.

We say a matrix is in row echelon form (REF) if:

  • All the zeros are in the bottom.
  • The leading entry in each row is to the right of the leading entry of the row above.
  • All entries below a leading entry are zero.

We further say a matrix is in reduced row echelon form (RREF) if it is in REF form and:

  • All the leading entries are ones (pivots).
  • Each pivot is the only non-zero entry in its column.

Solutions can be consistent (with a unique or infinitely many solutions) or inconsistent.


We can relate these operations to determinants. Say is a square matrix, and is obtained from some manipulation of .

  • If we divide a row of by a scalar , then .
  • If we swap a row, then .
  • If we add a multiple of to another row, then .

Computer assisted

We can compute the row-reduced echelon form of matrices quickly in MATLAB and NumPy. We first set a matrix A and optionally a vector b, for .

In NumPy, we can use np.linalg.solve(A, b), which outputs a NumPy array.


  • linsolve(A, b) can only solve systems of linear equations. Its execution time is faster than other methods, and outputs a solution vector.
  • A\b, the backslash operator, similarly outputs a solution vector for a system of linear equations. If A is , and b has m rows, then it returns a least squares solution. It typically runs slower than linspace.
  • rref([A, b]) (or rref(A) for a non-augmented matrix) returns the row-reduced echelon form of the matrix, and can be used to row reduce augmented matrices.