I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) is a medium-speed digital signalling bus standard.

In terms of stats:

  • Two traces
  • Up to 3.4 Mbit/s data rate
  • Impedance not specified
  • Source synchronous clocking
  • Serial bus routing topology
  • Driver output impedance switches between low and high

Signals are routed from a single driver component to many peripheral components. On the SCL line, it outputs a clock signal and commands are sent on the SDA line: Some limiting factors:

  • The current shouldn’t exceed 3 mA.
  • The low logic level is defined from 0 V to 0.4 V.
  • The capacitance of all traces/inputs on the peripherals should not exceed 400 pF at the highest data rate.
  • There should be at least resistors on the SDA and SCK lines.
    • This is to ensure that with typical CMOS voltage levels, we still remain below the current threshold.
  • Rise time is given by:
  • The bus capacitance means traces shouldn’t be too wide or too long.

Reference documentation