In signal theory, a CT signal is bandlimited with a bandwidth if its CTFT spectrum satisfies , i.e., the spectrum is zero outside an interval . Many signals are in practice bandlimited or filtered such that they become bandlimited.
The CTFT spectrum of a sampled bandlimited signal is given by:
What this means is that the spectrum of the sampled signal is a periodised version (with period ) of the original signal’s spectrum in the frequency domain.
If , then we have a relation given by:1
What this means is that for a sampled signal that is bandlimited, we can uniquely reconstruct the signal. We first take the CTFT to get the periodic spectrum, then we window it within a small interval (i.e., we apply a low-pass filter) to get a single peak centred at 0. Then we can take the inverse CTFT to recover the original signal.
From Prof Simpson-Porco’s lecture slides. ↩