In signal theory, the Nyquist-Shannon theorem (or sampling theorem) states that for a bandlimited CT signal with bandwidth , sampled with period:

then we can exactly recover the original signal from the sampled signal . What this means is that we need a sample rate at least twice the bandwidth of the signal to avoid aliasing.

For a non-bandlimited signal, we need to sample at twice the rate of the fastest (angular) frequency to avoid aliasing. The minimum sampling frequency which this satisfies is , called the Nyquist frequency.

Recall from the page on bandlimited signals. We can take the CTFT of the sampled signal to generate a periodic spectrum. If we window it to recover the original spectrum (centred at 0, i.e., a low-pass filter), then we can take the inverse CTFT to obtain the original signal.


The fastest angular frequency mentioned above only applies for the superposition of signals with a certain frequency. If we have the product of multiple signals, we need to somehow convert to a sum — then we can take the fastest angular frequency.

When we get aliasing, our CTFT spectrum is distorted.