A function is analytic at a point if it is complex differentiable of all in the neighbourhood of . An alternate definition (which the above leads from and is more rigorous) is that a function is analytic if it is locally given by a convergent Taylor series. A function is entire if it is analytic for all .

By theorem, if , and their partial derivatives are continuous on a domain (open connected set) and satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations, then is analytic in .

If a function and its partials are continuously differentiable everywhere, then they are analytic everywhere. Also by theorem, if is analytic in , then and are harmonic in . If is analytic, then , have continuous derivatives of all orders.

As a more geometric interpretation, if is analytic in , then at all points , which follows from the Cauchy-Riemann equations (expand it! — it will simplify nicely). Since the gradient is perpendicular to level curves, the functions and intersect orthogonally.

Also geometrically, if is analytic within the region (and it makes up a vector field in where , ), then the vector field has zero curl and zero divergence.