In complex analysis, the Cauchy-Goursat theorem supposes that if a complex-valued function is analytic in a simply connected region , then for any simple closed curve :

which is provable using Green’s theorem, Stokes’ theorem, and the divergence theorem.

If is analytic everywhere within the region, then the vector field has zero curl and zero divergence, because they satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations.

Multiply connected regions

For multiply connected regions, let be smaller contours within a larger contour . If is analytic in the region inside and outside of , then it’s not true in general that . Instead:

Where there may be holes in the region, we use a method called deformation of contours, where we essentially take a slice between the outer and inner contours to get a single continuous contour that doesn’t enclose the holes.

We can assume a contour around the hole in the form of a circle (i.e., we parameterise as a circle and so on). This allows us to essentially evaluate an extremely complicated function in terms of circle contour integrals, which massively simplifies things for us.