In calculus, a function is differentiable at if the following limit, the definition of the derivative, exists:

If is differentiable at each point , then is differentiable. If is differentiable and is continuous, then is continuously differentiable, or of class .

In multivariable calculus, we define differentiability using this definition:

Multivariable differentiability

Let . is differentiable at if and exist and the following are equal:

where and are functions that only depend on and with .

By theorem (differentiability implies continuity), if a function is differentiable at , then it is continuous at . Conversely if it is not continuous at the point, then it is not differentiable.

Complex analysis

We say that a complex function is complex differentiable at if the below limit exists:

If is complex differentiable at , then and will be differentiable (in the real sense) at .

Similar to the real case, if is differentiable at a point, then it is continuous.

Continuity of partial derivatives

By theorem, if has partial derivatives and defined on an open set containing , with both continuous at , then is differentiable at .

By contrapositive argument, if is not differentiable at that point, then at least one of the partial derivatives is not continuous at the point or there is no open set containing that point such that the partial derivatives are defined at all points on that set.

But! The inverse isn’t true. If we first say the partials are not continuous, we can’t conclude anything about the differentiability of .

Other definitions

Multivariable differentiability (formally)

Let , where . Suppose that the partial derivatives and exist at a point . We define the tangent plane that touches the surface at as:

is differentiable at if:

is the vertical distance between a position on the tangent plane and the surface. If either of the partial derivatives and do not exist or the limit is not 0, then is not differentiable at . But! The definition is generally difficult to verify. So we use the theorem involving the continuity of partial derivatives.

A key implication of this is that if the tangent plane exists at a point (and the partials are continuous), then the function is differentiable at that point.

Single-variable case

The derivative of a function is differentiable at provided exists (i.e., by limit definition, it exists), and the following are equal:

where is a function that depends only on with as .