All -th order ODEs have general solutions that depend on arbitrary constants, or parameters, such that:

Solutions to higher-order differential equations must satisfy the differential equation, can be expressed in terms of a general solution with arbitrary constants, and should satisfy initial problems (for an -th order ODE, we have IVPs). In theory, we should be able to get all information from an IVP.

The general linear -th order ODE is:

In general, for varying with , there are no formulas for the solutions.

Fundamental set

If the solutions of the -th order ODE are linearly independeexistal set. There must exist a fundamental set of solutions for a homogeneous linear -th order ODE on an interval , and it forms a basis.

By theorem, if are all solutions of the ODE, they are linearly independent if and only if the Wronskian determinant is non-zero.


  • If a solution contains , it’s a transient term since as .
  • A singular solution is a valid solution that is lost when we solve the ODE during separation of variables.

Existence and uniqueness of solutions

We consider two fundamental problems for the solutions of differential equations: sometimes there may not be a curve for the IVP (existence) and there may be multiple curves that satisfy the IVP (uniqueness).

Continuity theorem

By theorem, if and are both continuous in the general neighbourhood of , then there is a unique solution for the IVP. Formally, there is some such that the given IVP has a unique solution for .

If either of these fails to be continuous for the given initial condition, there may still be a unique solution for that IVP (i.e., they are sufficient but not necessary conditions).

For an -th order ODE, , if and so on are continuous on an interval , and for every . If (from the IVP), then a solution for the IVP exists on the interval and is unique.

Note that the following could be different: the domain of the ODE, the interval that the solution is defined or exists, and the interval of existence and uniqueness.

Interval of definition

The interval of definition is the largest interval containing over which the solution is defined and differentiable.

See also