By definition, the Laurent series is a power series centred at a point in the form:

The idea with the Laurent series is that a complex-valued function may fail to be analytic at a given point (i.e., it has a singularity), but we can still find a power series to expand around that point. We study Laurent series with the goal of being able to compute complicated integrals.

Terminology and theorems

For a Laurent series:

We call the first term, with the negative powers of the principal part. The second term, with positive powers of , is called the analytic part.

Laurent's theorem

Suppose is analytic in a region containing the annulus then it can be expanded in a Laurent series which is absolutely convergent for .

The term is called the residue of at . This ends up being a pretty important concept — keep an eye on it.


Finding the Laurent series is much less straightforward than finding the Taylor series, especially if its centred at a different point than we expect.

Here’s a set of steps:

  • Where we’re able, find the Taylor expansion centred at a given point.
  • Where we’re not, we should expand certain terms and multiply back.
    • i.e.,
    • This doesn’t make intuitive sense, but we can multiply out one of the terms so that we get a series truly centred at a certain point.