Small signal modelling is an analysis technique used to approximate non-linear behaviour with a linear equation. This is especially useful in analysing non-linear circuit elements, like diodes or transistors. More on that at a dedicated page.


The general procedure for small signal modelling is to take some function with some operating point (also called the bias point or quiescent point) along the curve. We then take a linear approximation about the point, and apply some small change in a time varying input to find a small signal output. The -component of the point is and the -component of the point is . Consider these constant values.

Visually: What does this mean though? Because we use a linear approximation, we’re interested in small variations about the operating point . Because we vary by a small amount of time about , we define some new value of the input variable with respect to a small change in ():

The result of this is that our output signal will also vary by a small amount about . In the relation below, is some constant (probably related to the operating point) and is time.

Our goal: to find the relationship between and for some function , i.e., how does vary as a function of time for some small change in the input ?

Note from the above graph that we overlay another time-varying curve (i.e., we add a new curve wrt time that wasn’t there before).


There’s a lot of notation and terminology thrown around:

  • Operating point () — The point we linearise about; in circuits, this is a DC offset value. has two parameters in space: .
  • State variable (): variable in a first-order derivative . As a result of the input variables varying, the state variables vary slightly about a state variable equilibrium point .
  • Input variable (): variable representing an excitation signal, like an input voltage or current source. They are small input signal variations that vary about an equilibrium point .
  • Output variable (): function of the state variable and input variable, . As a result of input variables varying, the output variables vary about an equilibrium point .
  • State-space model: links state variables, excitation inputs, and output variables together, with first-order non-linear differential equations.


We have a multi-step procedure:

  • Step 1: Convert space variable equations into state space equations (take the derivative). Expand the state space equations and output equations in terms of , , and using the first-order Taylor series. The result are linear differential equations and linear output equations. Oftentimes we are given these equations and can safely skip this step.
  • Step 2: Determine equilibrium solutions:
    • Determine the equilibrium for the state space equations . Set the derivatives to 0 and solve for whatever and are.
    • Determine the equilibrium for the output variables . Into the output equation, input the equilibrium values we found for above and the equilibrium input variables that we were given to find
  • Step 3: For the perturbations in the state space equations, we can take the equations, and evaluate the respective Jacobians at the equilibrium points.

Side notes

For the single variable case, our general procedure takes 4 steps:

  • Step 1: write as a function of the operating point and some small variance.
  • Step 2: Expand the right hand side of the expression up to the first-order Taylor series. Evaluate the expression at the operating point .
  • Step 3: Equate the left-hand side with the expansion we just did.
  • Step 4: Determine the small signal model by expressing in terms of on one side. In this case, .