In mathematics, Lebesgue spaces are vector spaces of functions, which find broad applications in signal theory. Common spaces for finite continuous-time signals include , , and (and their discrete-time counterparts).

  • If the action of a signal is finite, then we say (CT) and (DT), i.e., it belongs to the space of Lebesgue integrable functions (CT) or the space of absolutely convergent sequences.
  • If the energy of a signal is finite, then we say (CT) and (DT), i.e., it belongs to the space of {square-integrable functions, summable sequences}.
  • If the amplitude of a signal is finite, then we say (CT) and (DT).

The signal spaces generally are defined as follows:


The relationships between these common spaces are below, for CT and DT signals respectively.1 The idea is that if , then it will also be . This is provable (we try to find a bound on the energy):

With more computations of this type with varying signals we can discern the other relations.

For the discrete-time case, it’s much simpler to establish. We can say that if has finite energy, i.e.,:

Then all the elements in the sum must too be finite. So .

If the signal is periodic, the relationships simplify considerably. Signals of different types are useful for different purposes:


  1. From Prof Simpson-Porco’s lecture slides.