In linear algebra, a vector space (also linear space) over the set of scalars is a set of vectors with two operations:

  • Vector addition, a map , where the inputs are two vectors and an output in . Addition is commutative and associative.
    • Additionally, there exists a neutral element such that .
    • And an additive inverse such that for each there is some such that .
  • Scalar multiplication, a map where it takes a scalar and vector and produces a new vector . It follows the rule of vector and scalar distributivity and the multiplicative identity element: .

i.e., a vector space is a set of objects that are closed under addition and scalar multiplication. Elements of a vector space are vectors or points.

For instance, is the prototype linear space. An important class of linear spaces are those of functions. For example, if is the set of all functions , then is a linear space if:

where the neutral element is . Another broad class of linear spaces is the set of all matrices or the set of complex numbers.

We define subspaces of as subsets that contain the neutral element of , are closed under addition and scalar multiplication.

Subspaces and why these are important

Subspaces are to vector spaces what subsets are to sets. We basically generalise the notion of a subspace with vector spaces.

See also