Fully-connected networks are a type of neural network where each neuron in each layer is connected with each other. In other words, the output of a neuron in a given layer is connected to every neuron in the next layer.

For example:1


Problems with fully-connected networks:

  • Computational complexity grows with variations in the input. This means things are harder to train and there needs to be more data to generalise the model.
  • Bad inductive bias: for vision problems, it ignores the geometry of the image data (i.e., different dimensions can screw up the image). It throws out prior understanding/knowledge of the image.
  • Not flexible: different image sizes require different models.

This motivates the idea of the convolutional neural network, which is able to rectify these problems.

In code

In PyTorch, the torch.nn.Linear(in: int, out: int) function defines a fully-connected (dense) layer. The below are the linear transformations used to link each layer:

self.layer12 = nn.Linear(4, 5)
self.layer23 = nn.Linear(5, 3)

After applying each linear transformation, we need to apply an activation function, i.e.,:

activation1 = torch.nn.functional.relu(self.layer12(input))


  1. From Dive Into Deep Learning, by Zhang, Lipton, Li, and Smola.