Mathematical induction is a method of proving that some statement is true for every natural number .

If we prove a statement for a given step , and the next step , then the following steps will be true. An analogy for this is that of dominoes: if one domino falls, and the next does too, then the rest will fall.


Simple induction has several key steps:

  • Define the predicate. This allows us to figure out what it is that we’re proving.
  • Determine whether the base case is true, . If it is true, we proceed.
  • We assume the case is true for , where is some arbitrary natural number. This is called the induction hypothesis.
  • We then attempt to prove the case . If this case is proven, then by the principle of mathematical induction, the statement is true for all .


Prove , De Moivre’s theorem, for , where .

We first let :

So we’ve proven the statement is true for .

We then let , where , and assume the statement is true for . We assume:

We then attempt to prove the statement for .

After some fairly boring manipulations, we arrive at the conclusion that the left-hand side will equal the right hand side. Where the case appears in our manipulations, we bring it down and use it to help our simplification and manipulations.

As the left-hand side is equal to the right-hand side, and it was shown that , the base case, is true, and it was proven that and is true, thus the open statement above has been proven to be true for .