The set of natural numbers () consist of positive integers and 0. The set of non-negative integers is given by .

The inductive principle (that forms the basis of mathematical induction) states that if and all of the following properties are true, then :

  • contains 1, and
  • If contains a natural number , it also contains , then:


We can rigorously construct the natural numbers with the idea of the successor set.

  • Zero is the empty set .
  • One is the set .
  • Two is the set .
  • Any finite non-negative integer can be defined inductively.

More explicitly:

  • and so on

We can assume that there’s a set containing the empty set and all of its subsequent successors. Let be a set with this property. Let us define a collection of subsets of as:

i.e., any subset of such that the empty set is in and for any , it includes its successor set. A lemma tells us that for a set , if , then the intersection of all subsets is in (as defined above) .

Then, we can define the set of non-negative integers as the set .

We define the set of natural numbers as the set .