In graph theory, the shortest path problem finds a path between two vertices such that the weight of its edges is minimised. A few definitions:
- The problem operates on a weighted, directed graph .
- A weight function maps edges to weights, .
- The weight of path is the sum of the weights of each constituent edge from vertices .
The shortest path is given by the smallest weight, i.e., the shortest-path weight from to is defined as:
What possible applications does this have?
- Mapping software direction planning
- FPGA routing
- Integrated circuit gate connections
- Internetworking, to deliver information from one computer to another
Some shortest path algorithms include:
SSSP — single source to all vertices SDSP — single destination from all vertices reverse of SSSP single pair shortest path — from vertex to all pair — self explanatory we can use SSSP to solve all variants
bellman ford for each edge
dijkstra’s for each vertex, store in matrix
lookup matrix, s(u, v) + s(v, u) ⇒ take smallest
dijkstra but we modify the relax function
s -p→ u → v; either bottleneck is in p or in new edge (u, v)
relax(u, v, w)
if (v.d < min(u.d, w(u, v)))
v.d = min(u.d, w(u, v))
v.pi = u
we initialise source with , initialise everything else with 0