Combinations of terms in rows of truth tables. Minterms are product terms by considering the rows for which , represented with . We define some helpful terminology:

  • Product term: any AND term, i.e., is a product term.
  • Sum-of-products (SOP): any OR of product terms.
  • Canonical SOP form (also standard form): a unique representation of a function as OR of midterms. We can also represent as: .

Maxterms are OR terms by considering the rows for which , represented with .

  • Product-of-sums (POS): any AND of ORs
  • Canonical POS: each OR is a maxterm

Don’t care minterms

Sometimes certain input combinations don’t occur or we don’t care about them. As an example, think about a 7-segment display where we only want to display 0-9 but not a-f.

On a truth table, we represent outputs with a d or x for combinations that we don’t care about.