Mergesort is a recursive sorting algorithm. The core idea is that in each step, it sorts a sub-array by recursing from smaller sub-arrays half of its size, then merging them together.

It has a time complexity of . Each recursive step takes levels (because we halve the sort set), and processing each level takes time.


Mergesort operates on a subarray as follows:

  • If , then we don’t do anything, because the sub-array’s already sorted.
  • Compute the position of the middle element: .
  • Recursively sort the subarray , then the subarray .
  • Merge the sorted sub-arrays into a combined sorted sub-array .


void mergeSort(vector<int>& nums, int begin, int end) {
	if (end <= begin) return;
	int k = (begin + end) / 2;
	mergeSort(nums, begin, k);
	mergeSort(nums, k + 1, end);
	// combine
	vector<int> temp(end - begin + 1);
	int write = 0;
	int first = begin, second = k + 1;
	while (first <= k and second <= end) {
		if (nums[first] <= nums[second]) {
			temp[write] = nums[first];
		} else {
			temp[write] = nums[second];
	while (first <= k) temp[write++] = nums[first++];
	while (second <= end) temp[write++] = nums[second++];
	for (int i = 0; i < end - begin + 1; i++) nums[begin + i] = temp[i];