Cryptography is the practice of secure communications by encoding and decoding.

from special lecture by Prof Veneris

encryption — transmit a message without being intercepted define:

  • : decryption of encrypted message
  • : encryption of message to

symmetric encryption

  • both parties agree on a single key
  • sender has plaintext message , and uses key to encrypt. then transmits
  • receiver uses the same key to decrypt the message
  • problem: you don’t really solve the problem. what if sender/receiver never meet?

asymmetric encryption

  • public, private key, like PGP; sender receiver both have set of public, private keys
  • secret key — only you possess. you get original back by doing maths with secret key
  • sender signs the message with the public key of receiver, encrypts and sends message
  • receiver decrypts with secret key

digital signature

  • plaintext
  • signature (or tag)
  • i.e., you can verify sender was the actual sender

how to generate key pairs?

  • relies on cryptography, essentially number theory. relies on idea that Prime factorisation is very difficult


  • select two very large primes (over 1000 bits; RSA with ~700 bits has been cracked already)
  • compute
  • compute
  • select small odd integer , relative prime to
  • compute such that , i.e., modulo fn == 1
  • keys
    • public key
    • secret key
  • basically: too large. so very hard to invert operation
  • but RSA no longer really used, use elliptic curve cryptography

cryptographic Hash function

  • must be deterministic given same message
  • even if and very similar
  • is intractable to invert, i.e., find (trapdoors)
  • collision resistant, i.e., intractable to find messages such that and , i.e., different messages that that produce same hash


  • UTXO model — unspent transaction output
    • suppose sender has 10 B, wants to send 6 B to receiver
    • she sends 6 to receiver, 4 to herself
    • let be the th output of the th transaction
  • transaction — consists of two nodes
    • has both sender and receiver’s signature
    • has receiver’s public key, so only receiver can decrypt with private key
    • non-repudiation: receiver is the only one that can decrypt the message
  • bitcoin block
    • Merkle tree — binary tree for cryptographic messages
      • leaves are cryptographic messages
    • blocks have a header: hash of previous block, hash of transactions (root of Merkle tree), and a number used once (nonce)
  • miner
    • crazy amount of computation to find nonce such that hash of previous block, nonce, and transaction hash is smaller than difficulty of network
    • i.e.,
    • difficulty target chosen st block discovered every 10 minutes
    • difficulty of network self adjusts every ~2 weeks (maybe more miners one week)
    • NP-complete problem — finding problem tough, verifying is easy
    • if block is confirmed by multiple miners, each person gets a bit of B
      • forks the chain. then next block will resolve on a single path to longer path
    • by 2140, B will stop mining
  • mining rewards
    • block rewards
    • transaction fees
    • block reward will halve every 4 years until being rounded to 0
  • proof of work
    • for example, how can we prevent spam email? by charging the sender
    • creates economic incentive to compete and agree to use the canonical chain
    • Game theory - described by shelling point
    • prohibitively expensive to make a non canonical fork the canonical fork
    • basically more computational power than you get back
  • value of Bitcoin
    • for fiat currency, value is backed by the government/central bank etc
      • how do paypal, visa, etc work? they have their own private money, they issue dollar tokens, which is what we get. so it’s not real money. from fractional reserve system
      • M0 money, much less than real money is — 8 T dollars
      • derivatives - insurance of insurance of … in excess of 900 trillion - money that DNE
      • ”in my view, voodoo economics” - Veneris
      • why everything collapsed in 2008
    • bitcoin: able to transfer value without central authority
    • very stable - no downtime since inception


  • vs Bitcoin
    • bitcoin has no programmability, based on a simple stack language
    • Ethereum written in Solidity, based on JavaScript
  • Smart contract
    • Ethereum guarantees execution of the contract
    • as a Finite state machine
    • idea: charge per computation
    • trustless computer, all miners have to agree on state transitions


  • power: Bitcoin consumes a shit ton of power, more than the country of Austria consumes. Ethereum also has same problem
  • proof of stake — stake down your own ether, verify transactions? idk
  • scalability
    • per network
      • bitcoin: 3-7 trans/sec
      • eth: ~20
      • visa: 2000, can hit 20k at peak
      • paypal: 200
    • L1 network: Ethereum, bitcoin
    • L2 network: slightly separate, aggregate transactions, register back to L1 network
      • but not necessarily secure or decentralised

decentralised finance v centralised finance

  • DeFi vs CeFi
  • centralised: what we have now. idea: allows middlemen fees (ex with foreign currency exchanges), has delays (foreign transfers)
  • decentralised: transparent, on chain. assets can be traded with absolute transparency

central bank digital currencies

  • or just digital currencies
  • like in China
  • most govts studying them