
In this section:


Predicate: the variable sum contains the algebraic sum of all elements of A[1:i - 1] at the beginning of each iteration of the for loop.

  • Initialisation — we initially have A[0], sum = 0, outside of the array, for a sub-array of 0 elements. The sum thus is 0.
  • Maintenance — assume the invariant holds true for some iteration . Then, for . Before the loop, we have the sum of all elements from . We add A[k + 1] to sum, effectively summing everything.
  • Termination — our loop terminates after we finish A[n], i.e., .


	for i = 1 to n:
		if A[i] == s: return i
	return -1

Predicate: the sub-array A[0:i - 1] does not have the search element s at the beginning of an iteration i of the for loop OR i holds the first occurrence of s in A.

  • Initialisation — we initially have an empty array, so .
  • Maintenance — assume the invariant holds true for some iteration . Then, for . Before the loop, we have a sub-array A[0:k] that doesn’t contain s.
    • We have two cases: one where it is and one where it isn’t. If it isn’t, then the predicate still holds true for the next iteration.
    • If it is, the loop immediately terminates and the second statement is true.
  • Termination — the loop either terminates if or if the search element is found.



For the base case, . Then, . So we’re good for now.

For the case where , where and is an exact power of 2, we have:

We assume this holds true. Then, for , we have: