Storage-class specifiers give compilers more information about the type of a variable. They are created before the main()
function is called.
A common one is the static
specifier, where a single instance of the variable will exist, shared between calls. In other words, it’s a global variable — regardless of how many times it’s called or how many objects it may be in. Contrast this with the ordinary local variables we’ve been using before — they’re automatically created and destroyed as the function is called.
This is hard to understand on its own, so here’s an example:1
void counter (void) {
static int count = 1; // This is initialized one time
printf("This has been called %d time(s)\n", count);
int main (void) {
counter(); // "This has been called 1 time(s)"
counter(); // "This has been called 2 time(s)"
counter(); // "This has been called 3 time(s)"
counter(); // "This has been called 4 time(s)"
By default static
variables are initialised to 0. A useful application of this is in class definitions, where we can create a public static int
that counts how many objects have been declared, where the constructor increments it and the destructor decrements it.
functions are local only to the file it’s defined/declared in. For that purpose, we should avoid putting definitions in header files.
See also
From Beej’s Guide to C Programming. ↩