By default in C++, many methods are included by the compiler (i.e., the default constructor). But we may often have to implement our own methods. If a class requires one of the following, then it requires all of these 3.
Think about where we might have to implement all three: when there are memory-based elements within the class, like dynamic memory allocation or pointers. Where this occurs, we need a way to be able to de-allocate memory or ensure objects are independent.
Take the example below:
// copy constructor
MyString::MyString (const MyString& x) {
len = x.len;
buf = new char[len + 1];
strcpy(buf, x);
// destructor
MyString::~MyString() {
if (buf != nullptr) {
delete [] buf;
buf = nullptr;
// assignment operator
MyString& MyString::operator=(const MyString& src) {
delete [] buf;
buf = new char[strlen(src) + 1]
strcpy(buf, src.buf);
len = src.len;
return *this;
Take the inverse case. If all of the class’s fields aren’t pointers and/or are default types in C++, then the compiler-generated three methods will suffice. This is called the rule of zero.