Reduction of order is a method used to find the general solution of homogeneous linear second-order ODEs. The idea is that we can reduce a linear second-order ODE to a linear first-order ODE if we know one of the solutions (i.e., given , we can find some linearly independent ). We want our ODE to be in standard form:

So by theorem, if is a solution of the homogeneous ODE on an interval , then:

Then, we use variation of parameters to find the general solution.


Given one solution , we can represent our second solution with . Then and we also find . Substituting this into the left-side of the ODE, we get some expression that is a differential equation in terms of .

The problems we get usually have the regular term disappear. So we get a second-order ODE with a second and first derivative term of .

We can then substitute to get a first-order linear equation in terms of . Using the integrating factor, we can solve this pretty easily to find , then we can integrate to get .

In this assumption, .