We have some nice rules when it comes to differentiation, but for inverse functions, the mathematics comes a lot less easy when we look for non-first principles approaches, which motivates our exploration of inverse differentiation.

This is based on a core theorem below.

Let be differentiable and have an inverse on an interval . Then for every value of at which , we can conclude that:

We recall that for all in the domain of . By differentiating implicitly, we can get the theorem’s result.

Inverse trigonometric functions

Using these results, we can derive the derivatives for inverse trigonometric functions like , , and fairly trivially. Let’s use as an example. From the theorem above, we get: From the trigonometric identity, , we rearrange to get: Then for our input, we put in and simplify: So our final derivative, as we know, is:

Simple applications

As an example, let , , and let’s try to find . By theorem: Since we need to find , where . Then the point is on the graph of , and by extension the point is on the graph of , since the ranges and domains are swapped.

So we find , instead, and we observe that gives us a solution. From here, the rest of the exercise is fairly trivial.