I spent much of my high school years devouring the xkcd webcomics created by Randall Munroe. In a period of what seemed like relatively unoriginal web content, xkcd provided a refreshingly candid take at science-based comedy and perhaps as a relic of an older, freer Internet.

Anyways, What If? 2 was pretty good. It’s a much more long-form work, and there’s much of the originality that the webcomics had. Crucially Munroe manages to make his writing fairly accessible, though with the breadth of content he covers it does begin to get a little questionable to what extent we can be sure of his responses.

Very recommended! But this should not be your first introduction to Munroe’s work. It would be better to go read through a couple hundred of the webcomics first.


Written 29 August 2023 Adapted from my review on Goodreads.