University of Toronto. In a quest to index everything.

  • Engineering bloc
    • Mechanical Engineering
      • North side corridors at 2nd and 3rd floors
      • Long corridor in between MC and RS
    • Myhal
      • Basement tables
      • 2nd floor main space
      • 5th floor main space + study room
      • 8th floor tables
    • Bahen
      • First floor facing St George Street
      • CUBE
      • Second floor tables, including above the CUBE
      • Third floor chalkboard nooks
      • Fifth floor tables near faculty offices
    • Sandford Fleming
      • ECF rooms
      • Engineering Library
    • Wallberg
      • First floor near MSE common room, near King’s College
      • Second floor near chem common room
      • Third floor near T-junction
    • Galbraith
      • Tables facing St George Street
  • Campus middle
    • Knox College — Caven Library
    • Gerstein
      • MADLAB
      • Second floor study rooms (near graduate student lounge)
      • Reading room (with dome)
      • Big glass room
    • Lash Miller — Davenport Library (upper, lower levels)
    • McLennan Physical Laboratories — First floor padded seat area
    • New College — library
    • University College — Library
    • Sid Smith — Sid’s Café
    • John W. Graham Library
  • Campus upper
    • OISE — Library
    • Pratt Library
    • Kelly Library