is the definitive typesetting system for any sort of mathematics or physics rendering. All of the equations in my Obsidian database are written in .


For a matrix:

1 & 2 & 3 \\
a & b & c

For a determinant:

1 & 2 & 3 \\
a & b & c

For a piecewise function:

	0 & 0\le t< t_0 - a \\
	\frac 1{2a} & t_0 - a\le t < t_0 + a \\ 
	0 & t \ge t_0+a

Development environment

I currently use the LaTeX Workshop extension with Visual Studio Code, with MiKTeX as my local package distribution. Native Git, dark mode integration, and a very configurable editing environment is a plus. A con is that it needs a local TeX install, which can be huge and tedious (at least TeX Live was).

Overleaf is another good choice. It has some decent features, like a well-thought out interface that doesn’t need too much messing around with. This is probably where you’d want to start with a fully fleshed out environment. Notably many collaboration and version control tools are paywalled.