A Gantt chart is a histogram-based view of a project showing activities, durations, and milestones, typically showing precedence relationships, people assigned to the work, and percent complete information. We use it in design work for project management.1 We have a few important definitions:

  • Critical path: the longest path.
    • Delays to activities will delay the finish date.
  • Lead time: overlap time when a task should theoretically wait for its predecessor to finish but can start a little early.
  • Lag time: minimum amount of time that must pass between the finish of one activity and the start of its successors.
  • Dummy task: dependency with no task.
  • Slack time: time a task can be extended before it affects other tasks.

Gantt charts can be made with Microsoft Visio.


  1. Example below from Designing Engineers by Susan McCahan et al.