Hi, and welcome to my notes. I’m Jason, and I’m (among other things) an electrical and computer engineering student at the University of Toronto.

I got really into conceptual notetaking and am exploring how to best maximise my learning in the years ahead. One of the things I’m doing is publishing the majority of my notes.1 If any links don’t work, there’s a good chance it either doesn’t exist or is private.

My notes are for my own use — they will scale with the amount of information I know and learn — so there may be pages that are personal or incomprehensible (and probably without any rigour). I’ll get to cleaning those up eventually!

Crucially, there are a few things I can’t promise. I can’t promise these notes will be up to date with course content (if they aren’t, that means I’m behind in the course). I also can’t promise accuracy — there are times in the past that I’ve found a handful of notes that were incorrect or out of date or not extensive enough (such that they were basically wrong).

This semester — Year 3 — Autumn:

Public sub-folders of this site:


  1. Why? Some folks have found in passing that my notes have been helpful at explaining some concepts.